Andrew Hoyne is the Founding Principal of Hoyne — an industry-leading creative partner and global thought-leader in placemaking, branding and property marketing. The team at Hoyne work across every type of place and project with a singular focus: Make It Extraordinary™. Andrew is a proponent of the categorical link between good placemaking and better social and economic outcomes. This passion has led him to write and publish The Place Economy; a three-book series of world leading thought leadership which looks at best practice placemaking and property development. His mission is to bring places of extraordinary value to life—places that set new standards in design and experience; places that move people, culture and commerce forward in new ways. Andy was recently recognised in the Property Council of Australia People in Property Awards with the 2024 Industry Impact Award. He is also a regular speaker at Australian and international conferences, including SXSW, TEDx, ULI USA, the International Place Branding Association, Place Leaders Association and Urbanity – in cities ranging from New York, Washington DC, Berlin, Dublin, Auckland and Singapore.
Speaking at
Tue Oct 29
4:00 PM — 5:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time
Resorts World Las Vegas - Level 2, Jasmine AB
Sparking Development with Arts and Culture: Best Practices in Real Estate Development
The demand for creative placemaking in real estate development has grown rapidly since ULI's launch of its Creative Placemaking (CPM) project in 2016. ULI's 2020 publication, which inspired this session title, is the second most downloaded publication in ULI's history. ULI has built a body of CPM knowledge from studying real projects supplemented by site visits, interviews, surveys, and more. Art in Place, ULI's recent CPM initiative, involves nine global cohorts aimed at facilitating artist-developer connections. The initiative provides fresh insights and reinforces findings that CPM promotes thriving, equitable, and resilient cities and places. This session brings together a panel of internationally recognized leaders and CPM experts who corroborate ULI research with recent studies, including a 2023 study by the Toronto Metropolitan University and the recently released Volume 3 of The Place Economy containing hundreds of essays by real estate professionals spanning the globe. Panelists will discuss CPM best practices and how to apply them successfully. They will postulate on why to focus on creative placemaking in real estate development, and why now.